Are you prepared to accept a recent job offer? If so, you may be so eager to get started that you don’t review the information in the employment contract you receive. Unfortunately, this can be a huge mistake.
Even though there are situations where a verbal contract can be legally binding, it’s important to see the terms on paper. Your employment contract outlines what will be expected of you in your new position and other important information that you need to know. Some of the information contained in your employment contract you need to review carefully can be found here.
Get to know your benefits and pay
The verbal offer you receive regarding what you will be paid will likely be exciting to hear. However, seeing it in writing is completely different.
The employment contract should include all the information about your salary or hourly rate and the performance bonuses you may receive. You should also see information regarding travel expenses, sick pay, holiday pay and health benefits. Be sure to review this to ensure you know what to expect.
Learn the expectations for your performance
The contract is going to outline what is expected of you in your new role. This is invaluable information when it comes to ensuring you can achieve a work-life balance.
In your contract, you will find the number of hours you are expected to work each week, including information about if you are ever expected to work on the weekends, information about overtime and more.
Carefully read your employment contract
No matter the job or your position, it’s important to read everything included in your employment contract. This information is going to tell you what to expect in your new position and what is expected of you. You also have legal rights if something in the contract isn’t upheld by your employer or if you have questions about employee rights.