Whether you are renegotiating your current deal, or attending interviews to work for a new company, it’s important that you obtain an employment contract that you are happy with. How can you negotiate the best possible deal? Negotiating an executive compensation...
Cleveland Legal Blog
Is it better to work for a small business or a large corporation?
As an employee, you do need to decide what type of business you’d like to work for. Some people are more attracted to small, local businesses, while others are drawn to major corporations. The truth, of course, is that there are pros and cons to both. Let’s examine...
Wrongful termination in Ohio
Wrongful termination can be straightforward - being fired for an illegal reason. However, it may not be that straightforward in an at-will state like Ohio. In the state, an employee or an employer can terminate employment for any reason that is not contrary to the...
What’s an exclusive use clause in commercial real estate?
When you sign a rental agreement on a commercial property, you want to make sure that you get what you’re paying for – and that means paying close attention to your contract and any use clauses. A “use” clause in a commercial real estate contract basically sets the...
What’s a retention agreement?
Employees may come and go – but that doesn’t mean that employers like this reality. It’s estimated that replacing an employee costs an employer somewhere between six months and two years' worth of their salary. That’s why some employers will offer certain employees a...
4 basic employment rights that workers should know
If you are an employee, understanding your rights is fundamental to securing a fair and respectful work environment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces employment laws that help protect employees when they’re applying for a job, during...
How can you address discrimination or abuse by a co-worker?
No one deserves to be mistreated or abused at work. Unfortunately, it happens more often than you may think. Most workers associate mistreatment with the employer, but co-workers may also treat one another wrongfully. You may think you have no options in the face of...
What commonly leads to partnership disputes?
Disputes among partners can arise for various reasons. They can often lead to strained relations and legal battles. The nature of partnership disputes is diverse, but specific issues frequently emerge as the primary catalysts for conflict. Understanding some of the...
The FTC is working to ban noncompete agreements
Right now, noncompete agreements are still legal as long as they are set up properly. An employer can ask an employee to sign a noncompete, stating that they won’t leave the business to start a competing company or join the competition. These agreements do have to be...
How to identify a hostile work environment
Workplace harassment comes in many forms. For some people, harassment may involve unwanted flirting or touching. For others, workplace harassment may involve a hostile work environment. Many people struggle to succinctly define a hostile work environment and,...