People behave differently in the workplace, and some of those behaviors can be unlawful. A behavior is illegal if it creates a hostile work environment. So, what does a hostile work environment mean? And are you working in one? Here is what you need to know: Severe or...
Cleveland Legal Blog
What is a golden parachute?
In the context of employment compensation, the term golden parachute is often used. This refers to compensation that will be given to an employee if they lose their job under specific conditions. It typically applies to executives or other high-level employees—like a...
Discrimination on the basis of your national origin in the workplace
Being treated unfavorably at work because of your national origin is unlawful. This type of discrimination can happen during hiring, promotion, job training and dismissal. It's also commonly reported in pay, employee benefits, terms and conditions, classification and...
3 examples of reasonable accommodations at work
Employees are entitled to request reasonable accommodations. This is a protected right under both federal law and Ohio state law. Reasonable accommodations allow certain employees to conduct their work activities more efficiently, without causing undue hardship to...
Which workplace activities are protected by law?
As an employee, you are legally entitled to take certain actions or participate in some activities at your workplace without fear of retaliation from your employer. In other words, your employer should not punish you for engaging in these activities as they are...
3 common contract clauses to protect business owner rights
Contracts are essential for the smooth operation and success of businesses in every industry. However, they are only effective with the appropriate language and relevant clauses. Accordingly, business owners can expose themselves to significant risks by failing to...
What should be in your employment agreement?
Starting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Not only do you need to learn your role and responsibilities, it’s important that you understand the various aspects of the company and team you work with. A properly drafted employment...
What are the rules about tip pooling?
Many employees who get tips will collect them directly during the duration of their shift. The servers may be assigned to a specific table or section in a restaurant, for example. Customers will leave tips on the table or on a credit card, and the server who waited on...
Facing workplace discrimination? Don’t rush to court yet
If you are dealing with workplace discrimination, filing a lawsuit against your employer could be your first idea. However, jumping straight to court may not always be the best approach. Taking informed action can help strengthen your case or even resolve the matter...
Is a PIP a prelude to wrongful termination?
Performance improvement plans (PIPs) are often touted as tools to help errant employees “get back on track” when their work falls below management’s expectations – in theory. In reality, PIPs are often a prelude to a wrongful termination. Your employer may be just...